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She’s never really been a child – but never really grown up. Go on, tell em Kev.

So why did Teresa get so angry? “They deserve their privacy” she explains today. What you may ask? Phone sex. After all, she’s not even a part of the cast.

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Got something to say? Say it! Simply enter your name and e-mail address, and you'll receive an email confirming your comment and issuing you a password.” Giuidice explains, rightfully so, that with a large Italian family with many “aunts and cousins and in-law”, she tries her best to protect the privacy for those family members who elect not to appear on the show. What a clusterfuck.

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The got their hands on the court documents involving Danielle’s 1986 arrest, and it definitely sheds more light on her past. I hope she gets help!© 2011 New Jersey On-Line LLC. After all, she’s not even a part of the cast.

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I can’t wait for Tuesday’s and Thursday’s Reunion show. Danielle only admitted to being arrested, changing her name, and being a past stripper. Magazine photos. Photos.

Staub's autobiographical book, The Naked Truth, was released on May 25, 2010, and in it she… Also Known As: Danielle StaubDescription Playboy's Bad Girl Danielle Richardson HQ Photo Shoot [DownWorLD][h33t] #mediaget_box a img {border: 0;} #mediaget_box{background:url(mediaget/promo_bg."The production company behind the video also produced the documentary "Not In My Backyard" which was filmed for seven years in underground shelters to show how voiceless victims in America live. Teresa never names the nephew, simply saying she did acknowledge him and twittered his arrival with her fans.

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Giudice says she was even in the hospital room when he was born.  HGTV’s general manager released the following statement about their Jersey edition: “Dina is an accomplished interior designer and also runs a thriving event planning business–her Real Housewives fans will be surprised to see this side of her. If you all remember, I was scheduled to do the live Bravo Chat Bubble for a Real Housewives of New York episode the night he was born, and I was at the hospital so long, I was late logging in.

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  Manzo and her employees at Design Affairs will “create lavish events in their clients’ houses” (Danielle Staub must be sh___ing herself). Examiners come from all walks of life and contribute original content to entertain, inform, and inspire their readers.

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