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I figured where things left off that Kim G. Danielle may just have to rethink her acqusations.
” No word if Andy Cohen intends to release a transcript of future Real Housewives reunion. Danielle Staub - from alleged mug shots, to phone sex, and sex in a restaurant offers - has covered a lot in just two tv weeks.
To create a live link, simply type the URL (including http://) or email address and we will make the link live for you. I guess being a past prostitute/escort isn’t something anyone would want to admit to, but why go on a reality show knowing you have all these skeletons in your closet? If you are going to come clean, you might as well come all the way clean.com.
He’s perfect and beautiful and we’re blessed to have him in our lives. () John Galliano is facing six months in jail over his anti-Semetic remarks, yet the crime of his mustache goes unpunished. Don’t worry, Housewives fans. Manzo and her employees at Design Affairs will “create lavish events in their clients’ houses” (Danielle Staub must be sh___ing herself).
() The luscious Natasha Kaplinsky caught naked on her hotel balcony. Follow us on and .Another Tuesday night, another round of battles on The Voice.
Then today I saw this. has no business being on television, and because she’s probably aware of that, she’s needed to humiliate herself and her family in order to keep herself off the editing room floor.
. And that’s just sad.she competed in the apprentice for martha stewart, later she was casted for the real housewives of new york, people really liked her like alot so bravo gave her her own show bethenny getting married? now she is gonna be in some episodes of the housewives and she will film her show later.
TMZ has upgraded the comments system." For the sake of journalism (even though this is simply the Examiner), I'd suggest removing the unnecessary "some show viewers". this sextape .
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) And no he’s not sick. To leave another comment, just use the password you were given. If you don’t receive the email in a few minutes, please check your spam folder. And, speaking of Joe.
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All Rights Reserved (). Way to go, Miss ClassLESS!!!! JACQUELINE – YOU’VE got class. No hate speech or curse words allowed.