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If you already have an AOL/AIM screenname, log in under the other tabs. Why doesn't she just leave and go do porn? "Danielle has total disregard for how [the tape] will affect her daughters' impressionable years.
5) After her arrest, Danielle turned on her boyfriend/kidnapper known as Aguilar, and helped in convicting him. I can’t wait for Tuesday’s and Thursday’s Reunion show.” Giuidice explains, rightfully so, that with a large Italian family with many “aunts and cousins and in-law”, she tries her best to protect the privacy for those family members who elect not to appear on the show.
RadarOnline. I guess being a past prostitute/escort isn’t something anyone would want to admit to, but why go on a reality show knowing you have all these skeletons in your closet? If you are going to come clean, you might as well come all the way clean. () Why is Angelina Jolie dressed like a black bridesmaid? () The first pics of Ed Harris as John McCain are so dead-on, it’s almost creepy.
Teresa writes today “For the record, I said “Do not BRING up my family” not “break up” – she could never break up my family, but she does need to keep their names out of her mouth.” No word if Andy Cohen intends to release a transcript of future Real Housewives reunion.© 2011 New Jersey On-Line LLC.
The video shows real women at the shelter who have been in abusive relationships. I figured where things left off that Kim G.
Celebrity Circuit is your new homepage. Stills.net lets move on from her.
Danielle Staub (born Beverly Ann Merrill; July 29, 1962) is an American television personality, author, and singer.’s embarrassing herself for free. And, Theresa? She’s a psycho bitch! Watch out she doesn’t snap out on you one day! DANIELLE – I really liked you and your girls. To create a live link, simply type the URL (including http://) or email address and we will make the link live for you.
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What a clusterfuck. - Tuesday, August 31st, 2010Download Danielle Staub Sextape - She?s been booted off the reality show, Real Housewives of New Jersey. Do your homework people..
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” No word if Andy Cohen intends to release a transcript of future Real Housewives reunion. Danielle Staub photo shoot. Dina, spotted with at the 8th annual Jeffrey Fashion Cares in New York last month, indicated on her Twitter page today that she’s not entirely done with Cohen & Company: “Yes even tho I’m part of the HGTV family now u will still see me on @BravoTV here & there! Sooner than you think ; ). Where the hell was he born with that “skid row/hell’s kitchen” mentality? I didn’t care for the gay slurs he made and hope that some day a 300 pound gay butch guy beats the s@#t out of him.